Your transformation is amazing. I have been sober 29 cumulative years with one relapse 3.5 years ago. As you said anytime sober 1 hour, one week, one month etc is downright miraculous so while it should be celebrated and I do receive my coins the larger teaching of AA is “one day at a time” after all projected tomorrows and the past only exist in our mind so the present moment is what we have. After so many years sober it was simply my lifestyle and I started to forget how many years I had. A relapse brings it home and having so much time in AA I knew what to do and where to go. My relapse has helped many get it this is for the life and no amount of rationalization, responding to triggers or telling yourself you have done enough soul searching to go back to drinking is a viable option. Sobriety takes us from the darkness to light. All of the people I share this experience with are on a sacred journey of spiritual development. I am happy to count myself among you 💕