Yes John it is purely to sow discord and defiance following in the footsteps of their fearful leader Donald Trump. They maybe chronologically over 30 but that is never a marker of emotional maturity. I look at it from a mental health perspective and it is clear that they are all deeply wounded children that have carried forward the ancestral discontent and rage from their forefathers and act out their fear and unconsciousness in the halls of Congress. These behaviors would never be tolerated in other venues in society. These people are examples of representative government gone astray
With leadership of their own party recently called out for public lying for saying one thing and having their true thoughts about Trump revealed on tape. Think Kevin McCarthy Watergate on steroids. Additionally while I have compassion for any human who has to publicly squirm watching Greene in the courtroom the other day trying to “I don’t remember” herself out of questions about her role in Jan 6th was comforting. That the universal law of karma is righting this ship.
They are seemingly so unconscious, righteous and entitled they don’t consider all of their statements and social media posts are evidence of intent. In Georgia she is being legally challenged for her seat. The law prohibits any potential or current member from serving if they are insurrectionists and attempt to overthrow the government. Something which the “Founding Fathers warned. Oh and Matt G. I have known many men like him who use women for their own gratification and power. Looking forward to the fall.