Very interesting! Personal opinions aside Trump is a high teacher sent to begin the great upheaval. To show us the dark underbelly of power, lies, manipulation, self centered ego mania, desperately low self esteem, the mental health impacts of trauma, the destructive force of “groupthink”, the face of racism, sexism, ageism. The blinding force of greed, the rage that lives in all whether acted upon or not. In other words we are looking at aspects of ourselves. Some are revolted by what they see some embrace it and follow him without self investigation. He attempted to dismantle what some hold dear ie unity, love, trust, workable government, collaboration, and truth. He attracts the disillusioned, maladaptive, the unfulfilled, those on the fringe who never felt included, the lonely, the angry. He shows us ego run amok, unchained destructive and pervasive. He rallies the fearful including those in positions of power. We see the gutless, scared children following a ill father down a black hole where no reward awaits them. Ok I will get off my soapbox and simply say he is helping us look inside both personally and collectively. His actions call us to decide what we want and what we don’t. Who we will be as a nation and that requires action just as the fighters of the Guatemalan revolution were called to do.