Thank you for the daily reminders of the magnificence and magic all around us. Seeing whales up close off the Cape in MA took my breath away. Nature right sizes us. The quotes about low wages has been my life long point of activism within companies I have worked for. It is indeed disrespectful, inhumane and shows the blatant disregard for workers who make the profit for all sectors of society. I have worked primarily in the mental health, social services and corrections field. The pay is stunningly low while staff literally save lives. I have often been an observer of our collective agreement that employees give their blood sweat and tears to their job while not making enough to pay their basic costs of living. I often think why do we agree? When I have rocked that boat which is often I am seen as the troublemaker and have lost jobs because of it but I wouldn’t change a thing. I retain my self respect and do what is right and true. I often think how could I start a national walkout for higher wages. This is democracy in action and employers would certainly take notice but there are many whose fear prevents them from taking a stand. Perhaps running for office is an option. After all if a lying, corrupt, racist man with no moral standing or leadership qualities can be president, so can I!