Thank you David as always. I have spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about who I will be in the outer world all the while being presented with opportunities to clear the baggage that kept me from legitimate action and practice. When we say yes I will go the universe, higher self, subconscious etc says yes let’s do this and the ego begins to be burned in the crucible, not for the faint of heart. While challenging and often excruciating there is the calm grounded witness within me that assures me everything is ok. Stay calm and carry on as they say. After many years of grueling personal work I was again aware that I hadn’t really felt the sting of past experiences although I convinced myself I was done and my ego was like “are u fnng kidding me there is more to do”. I could not run from the evidence in my day to day. If there are blocks to the desire for action n practice I am all in to feel deep, let go and clear the way for concrete action. 💕