Spot on John! There are too many Americans awake to this path of corruption, greed, power etc. the clinical insanity that grips the GOP and all the state legislations that are setting up these sinister plans behind the scenes will be revealed. As you said the Jan 6th hearings will show us in full astonishing detail the lengths to which Trump and his accolades were and are willing to go. For too long millions of Americans stood apathetic detached from the political circus both past and present. We are seeing how fragile democracy is and it is galvanizing us to stand up and get out and vote. His wing of the party are quite adept at shootings themselves in the foot while allowing 18 year olds to shoot children in the face. The shocking, traumatic yet predictable events in Texas show us what being a Republican means. No longer the party of Lincoln they now represent guns for everyone, stripping women of their right to chose, elevated white nationalism, corruption, sex parties (Cawthorn) and no semblance of integrity, compassion or leadership. People are very good at imploding their own positions and we are witnessing the “great replacement” of the Republican Party. Hats off to this Republicans who understand right from wrong and upholding their oath of office like Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger 🎉.