If we continue to arrive at decisions based on fear we are not evolving as a nation. Hence the statement “ no one is above the law” is without merit or teeth. Of course if anyone of us were to commit one tenth of one tenth of 1% of the crimes of Trump, other Republican or Democratic presidents we would find ourselves in a cold jail cell, pissing in a latrine attached to the wall and wishing we had simply been a decent human being and done “ the right thing”. We have long grappled with our national morality and the clear evidence of the disparity in how crimes are prosecuted, for whom etc. just consider the corrupt financial crimes of Wall Street, mega corporations and those who believe they are entitled and untouchable. They receive a slap on the wrist, some community service and perhaps a negligible fine & are sent on their way to do more damage.
As children we learn the justice system is far from just and when we watch others write the rules and swindle federal entities such as the IRS we defer to our base instincts and defenses and say “ well he did it and got away with it, so why shouldn’t I cheat on my taxes”? Because we are all complicit. When we watch another in an elevated position get away with social & financial murder we will either get on our righteous soapbox and admonish their behavior or we look for vindication of our own misdeeds. Until we are in some foundational agreement that the foxes should not guard the hens and there is commensurate consequences many will shield each other from accountability and fear of retribution will guide our actions or lack thereof. The argument any politician may be hiding behind is baseless. Simply put if a person has nothing to hide then bring it on! Thank john for always providing delicious food for thought 👍