I think I will take up asking Trump supporters (more in my community that previously known) why they continue to stand behind a truly shameful example of a human being. Would it be true that "guilt by association" makes Trump supporters racist, mysogynists, homophobes, corrupt liars that find violence acceptable as a way to gain and retain any form of power and have no issue with being vicious, mean, entitled and unaccountable?
What were the policies that changed and enriched peoples lives during his presidency outside of a massive tax cut for the wealthiest among us? I have worked my entire career in the mental health field. Mr Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder among other mental health challenges. Narcissim makes it impossible to accept any responsibility for behavior, it is tantamount to psychic death. Additionally he routinely takes credit for things that he really had little to do with.
The depth of mysogyny that is on display as we heard Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony is not unfamiliar but speaks to the pervasive entitlement and female bashing that is the American Patriarchy. For Trump and his accolades here are some tidbits of his response. ""This lady, yesterday — is there something wrong with her?" Trump said, not repeating Hutchinson's name. "She said I jumped from a car, I started strangling a Secret Service agent? I grabbed the steering wheel of a car? Said I wanted guns at my rally? I didn't want guns. I have to speak, too. The woman is living in fantasy land," said Trump. "She's a social climber, if you call that social. I think it's just a shame that this is happening to this country, and we don't have any Republicans up there to dispute it". Classic Freudian projection. Supporters can now count themselves as victims of Groupthink-a psychological phenomenon in which people strive for consensus within a group. In many cases, people will set aside their own personal beliefs or adopt the opinion of the rest of the group (despite glaring evidence to the contrary-my addition). The fact that Mr. Trump spewed his usual on Newsmax suggests he is feeling the heat and the Jan. 6th committee and DOJ have just turned up the burner to high!