I swore off dating sites long ago. Truth be told my first one was live@aol and the match. Yes that makes me a juicy evolved woman in her 50’s. Too many stories to tell here that are worthy of a stand up comedy bit. In a nutshell most men mis-represented themselves, felt the need to post naked chest pics taken in their bathroom mirror, pics of their cars or how fit they are with a typical ad describing how great they are. Once on a date they were not who they represented, called their ex a bitch at which point I would ask “ what part did you play” hmm crickets, that they are 100% devoted to their kids. Well yea no duh but do you have time for a connection? Or the top prize winner bringing an overnight bag and s bottle of wine despite my telling them I don’t drink and have no indication sex was part of the post dinner plan. Worst of all as this posts discusses men who run around sticking their manhood into multiple openings with no regard for sexual health and the fact that we are energy so he is carrying around the energy signatures of his conquests. Did I have sex with relative strangers and go through what we are talking about of course and largely because I didn’t honor who I was and was overly smitten by attention and cuteness. As my self esteem grew I said no and realized I will never find the kind of love I envision when swiping left or right. Congrats to anyone who has found love on a site or believes they will. For me I trust the impeccable timing of the universe and when I become the partner I would love to be with aka self love he will arrive 💕