I live in NY so you can speak to any random person and they will tell you he has been a vicious racist mentally Ill man for decades. Sigmund Freud coined the defense mechanism (which all of us do) of projection. We project onto others exactly who we are. Listen to Trump closely because every time he speaks the truth is plain to see. Additionally while hard for us to accept he is the mirror of those inner parts of ourselves we love to hate. We are given a choice of who we want to be and who we don’t. Trump’s big lies predated his step into the political arena like his father before him. Groupthink is a very dangerous form of unconsciousness. He drew forward our social rage, grief and disillusionment shown to us through some of his supporters the Capitol rioter, white nationalists, gutless political accolades because now they have jumped on board the Trump train the ego is doing everything to protect its position. For some admitting your wrong in our society can be tantamount to personality death yet the only thing that will set them free from their mental prison is owing the truth across the board. You can look no further than those leaders Trump admires, the leaders of Russia, China, Brazil, Turkey, North Korea not to mention the countless amount of bad actors he surrounds himself with. Mental illness is real, diagnosable, and omnipresent in Mr Trump we do not talk about that enough both for him and the national citizenry. After all that-enjoy your day! 😆