Hi Jody and Medium readers! yes individualism that is tempered with humility and acceptance of others is a powerful asset. I have always been on the outside looking in, I would often wonder why that was. When I starting being able to hear my guides and understand my intuition I could see why. I took a stand many would not, I spoke truths that many were afraid to, I questioned everything. It was almost like it was a higher voice within me. It would just happen and I would think, "Oh my God what did I just say". I learned many lessons about how to navigate my individualism in a society of conformists. In work and community systems it wasn't always welcomed and many simply participate in "groupthink" rather than take a stand. I had a tarot deck many years ago which I still have. I kept it because so many cards represent me. One shows a lion with a sheep on his back in a pack of sheep. He is desperately trying to be a sheep and fit in. A wise old lion comes along and says, "my brother you will never be a sheep, you were not meant to be a sheep, you are a lion, be a lion". That is me in a nutshell. I spent a large chuck of my life knowing I was a lion yet doing everything in my power to fit in and be a sheep. Being a lion was lonely and I was misunderstood by many. With age comes wisdom and self-acceptance. So now I ROAR whenever needed and always work to stay true to myself 💕. Thank you Jody and all of our beloved helpers.