Hi Jodie! Thank you and our beloved team for more clarity about the veil. I feel such hope that these energetic changes are finally happening. I could see through all of it as a child and felt quite lonely in this understanding. I come from a family dominated by fear which in turn they projected onto me. I could not maintain what I now see was a higher understanding I had as a young person when cynicism, fear, power plays, domination, rejection, abandonment, oppression, abuse ruled the day in my family. They are still stuck in large degree because they surround themselves with reinforcements of those 3D beliefs. The best I can do is love them as they are, provide an example of a different way born from love and hope and believe that a some point perhaps in a different lifetime they will wake up fully. Although my guides are reminding me as I write this that we all play roles for each other. It remains a mystery how it all works but I am clear I will continue to grow, shed, extend my heart and hand to anyone who wants to move forward. The greatest challenge for my heart was recognizing I couldn't help those who do not want the help. I was very much like that for many years still stuck in 3D. Thank you for your courageous and insuring work. 💕