Always inspired by your fierce defense of feminine energy and the inevitable balancing that is happening. As a young girl when the condescension, dismissal and ridicule by my brothers began I remember thinking they are afraid of me. My power, my love. I was something that needed to be controlled and corralled rather than celebrated. I watched my mother bow to their arrogance and unreasonable demands that she serve them. I saw their power and entitlement grow. My brothers insecurities and failings were projected on us with venom. They crushed my mothers sense of self like the men before them had done. I rebelled snd fought back with the risk of physical harm. She taught me well to stand up, take my place, never accept the projections of others and not to internalize the projections of others specifically men. It is a hard won understanding watching her never be able to do this. Now I am not alone in this there are billions of women and the men who support them changing the course of our future. Thank you David!