Agreed Benya! Recovery is about attraction not promotion. Of course living the gifts of sobriety we all want to shout it from the rooftops and have a talk with those exiting liquor stores well maybe that is extreme but you get the point. Addiction is big business in America. If we really wanted to stop the drugs entering the country we would. Addiction keeps rehabs operating, liquor stores now the booming marijuana business was, hospitals, law enforcement, prisons, therapists etc this is not to say these entities want people high and drunk but adduction is s very active part of our economy. Of course in the end it causes lost productivity, homelessness, the impact on working family members. There are many destructive outcomes. I have lived in both NY & CT and there is an insane lack of rehabs of any quality, available therapists/psychiatrists. Waiting lists are unacceptable and therefore just drives home the point the person can’t get help when they are ready. I worked for a rehab where beds would not be available sometimes for days. Working with those ready to admit there is a very small window to keep them committed to treatment. Additionally the exorbitant cost or lack of insurance can put tx out of reach. I personally went to an out patient program for 6 weeks and then connected to AA. It is easy for institutions to get caught up in profit over people which is truly tragic. We are evolving as a race and those of us in recovery need to continue the “good fight” and show the way home to those who are ready 💕